where can i go?

March 9, 2012

the adventures of maggie and bobo (1)

mags and i went to "bush iv" the other sunday to watch our fabourite band (shortstraw) play as well as my favourite (yo grapes!) which was held at Mama's Sheebeen in Greenside. we'd both been to greenside numerous times before but clearly going at night restrcits you from seeing the cool things that are around there. we got there early and decided to take a walk, this is we we saw!


alex, ivana, minki

Wellington :)

yummy vetkoek

ivana and mags

the music

yo grapes
king dinosaur


  1. Ok firstly.... how wicked that japan and i are playing a gig... havent heard them in ages and love their "bringing sexy back" poster. 2nd- dude seriously your photography is insane! can you just get your stuff into a gallery already....

  2. i only know of their songs "Sunrise" i think it's called but I like them :)
